Amanda Knox: As I walked back into the free world, I knew that my doppelgänger was there alongside me. Even most of the strangers who offered kindness and support didn’t truly see me. They loved her

Who Owns Amanda Knox?  by Amanda Knox  The Atlantic


"In 2015, Amanda Knox was definitively acquitted by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation." - Wikipedia


Who Owns Amanda Knox?

by Amanda Knox

The Atlantic


from 2007 to 2015, the prosecution and the media crafted a story, and a doppelgänger version of me, onto which people could affix all their uncertainties, fears, and moral judgments. People liked that story: the psychotic man-eater, the dirty ice queen, Foxy Knoxy.


As I walked back into the free world, I knew that my doppelgänger was there alongside me. I knew that everyone I would ever meet from then on would have already met, and judged, her.


Even most of the strangers who offered kindness and support didn’t truly see me. They loved her.


All of this has made me extremely skeptical of those who easily pass judgment. It has made me allergic to the impulse to flatten others into cardboard, to erase their human complexity, to rage against things about which I know only a snippet. Judgment only gets in the way of understanding. Refraining from judgment has become a way of life for me. Call it radical empathy, or extreme benefit of the doubt. I know how wrong people were about me, and I don’t ever want to be that wrong about another person. The world is not filled with monsters and heroes; it’s filled with people, and people are extraordinarily complex.


Amanda Knox

-> Read more: Who Owns Amanda Knox? | by Amanda Knox | The Atlantic


-> Labyrinths: Getting Lost with Amanda Knox | Apple Podcasts



Amanda Knox / The Scarlet Letter Reports




François-René de Chateaubriand, conversation chez Mme Récamier, 1834 : “Eh bien ! on ne voit partout que mensonges, erreurs, illusions. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a de vrai ? Par exemple, dans l’histoire, les faits en général, oui, les faits… et encore les faits principaux, mais non les personnages. Ces personnages, la plupart du temps, nous sont peints avec les passions de l’historien. Et si cet historien a du talent, le personnage reste avec une empreinte ineffaçable, avec une physionomie qui l’accompagne dans la suite des temps. Quand c’est Tacite par exemple… Sans Tacite, nous n’eussions peut-être jamais eu le Tibère de l’histoire. Tibère était peut-être le plus honnête, le plus vertueux des hommes. C’était peut-être un personnage à refaire, mais il est stigmatisé par la plume de Tacite, il n’y a plus moyen. - Mme Récamier : Néron était peut-être charmant. - Chateaubriand : Quant à moi, j’ai peur de me tromper, je ne crois à rien, et j’ai été de bonne heure comme cela. Aussi je vous assure que sous ce rapport je n’ai pas été fâché de la violation des sépultures de Saint-Denis, parce que cela m’a appris que tous ces personnages avaient existé. Ma foi ! je n’en savais rien.”


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