Qin Lan: What’s it to you if I use my uterus or not? | 秦岚: 我的子宫使不使用, 关你什么事?

Qin Lan: Shen Ruo Xin | The Rational Life / Li Zhi Pai Sheng Huo | Mango TV / Netflix

Qin Lan: Shen Ruo Xin | The Rational Life / Li Zhi Pai Sheng Huo | Mango TV / Netflix


“People have been asking me why I’m not getting married, and some have even suggested it’s ‘irresponsible’ if I don’t have a baby. I think it’s strange.

What’s it to you if I use my uterus or not?”

Qin Lan


秦岚: 我的子宫使不使用, 关你什么事?


"When it comes to marriage, I am still single, free and fragrant. Otherwise, why should I be single? I can fall in love. With friends, they talk about other than their husbands and children, but every time I hear that they have to get up early in the morning, take their children, especially their children doing homework, and take online lessons at home, they are really crazy, I think I’m really crazy. So happy."

Qin Lan, NetEase Entertainment


Qin Lan: Shen Ruo Xin | The Rational Life / Li Zhi Pai Sheng Huo | Mango TV / Netflix

Qin Lan: Shen Ruo Xin | The Rational Life / Li Zhi Pai Sheng Huo | Mango TV / Netflix