Nicole Kidman (Isabel Archer) - John Malkovich (Gilbert Osmond) | The Portrait of a Lady | Jane Campion, 1996
In all this Osmond sinks a little into the background — but one must get the sense of Isabel's exquisitely miserable revulsion. Three years have passed — time enough for it to have taken place. His worldliness, his deep snobbishness, his want of generosity, etc,; his hatred of her when he finds that she judges him, that she morally protests at so much that surrounds her. The uncleanness of the air; the Countess Gemini's lovers, etc. Caspar Goodwood of course must reappear, and Ralph, and Henrietta; Mrs. Touchett, too, for a moment. Ralph's helpless observation of Isabel's deep misery; her determination to show him nothing, and his inability to help her. This to be a strong feature in the situation.
Henry James
The Notebooks Of Henry James